annie b. designs
face masks
handmade journals
home goods
custom home design
necklaces palisades collection
necklaces laurel collection
pouches/glasses cases
about Annie
glasses case
orchid corsage
sold out
sold out
orchid corsage
sold out
toasted treat
toasted treat
royal crown
sold out
sold out
royal crown
sold out
RESERVED VT - walk along the seine
sold out
sold out
RESERVED VT - walk along the seine
sold out
barely dusk
barely dusk
night in bordeaux
sold out
sold out
night in bordeaux
sold out
color for days
color for days
frida in pink
frida in pink
cafe latte
cafe latte
it's a party!
it's a party!
champagne and caviar
champagne and caviar
midnight sapphire
midnight sapphire
copper penny
copper penny
october rain
october rain
scarlet secret
scarlet secret
frida and bordeaux
sold out
sold out
frida and bordeaux
sold out
shanghai nights
shanghai nights
dragonfly dream
dragonfly dream
golden bouquet
sold out
sold out
golden bouquet
sold out
a secret for you
sold out
sold out
a secret for you
sold out
midnight forest walk
midnight forest walk
coins in a fountain
sold out
sold out
coins in a fountain
sold out
wonton night
wonton night
and then i...
sold out
sold out
and then i...
sold out
it's a celebration!
it's a celebration!
dancing butterflies
sold out
sold out
dancing butterflies
sold out
dragon nights
dragon nights
midnight meet
sold out
sold out
midnight meet
sold out
twigs and silk
twigs and silk