bountiful bouquet


queen size bedding set …stunning bouquet of peonies and overflowing gardens…duvet cover of designer RL floral fabric, reverse of red striped ticking. transform the look by switching up either sides of duvet cover and pillows. 2 queen ticking pillow cases with contrasting borders, 2 euro shams, 26x26, of floral and ticking. painted wooden button closures on duvet cover and shams. h030

***shipping overages exceeding $3 will be refunded**

wash in cold/tumble lightly on low or dry clean.

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queen size bedding set …stunning bouquet of peonies and overflowing gardens…duvet cover of designer RL floral fabric, reverse of red striped ticking. transform the look by switching up either sides of duvet cover and pillows. 2 queen ticking pillow cases with contrasting borders, 2 euro shams, 26x26, of floral and ticking. painted wooden button closures on duvet cover and shams. h030

***shipping overages exceeding $3 will be refunded**

wash in cold/tumble lightly on low or dry clean.

queen size bedding set …stunning bouquet of peonies and overflowing gardens…duvet cover of designer RL floral fabric, reverse of red striped ticking. transform the look by switching up either sides of duvet cover and pillows. 2 queen ticking pillow cases with contrasting borders, 2 euro shams, 26x26, of floral and ticking. painted wooden button closures on duvet cover and shams. h030

***shipping overages exceeding $3 will be refunded**

wash in cold/tumble lightly on low or dry clean.